====== WLS ====== Para conectarnos a la consola de comandos ejecutamos: wlst.sh ====== Estado de un managed ====== wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','weblogic1','t3://localhost:7001') Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ... Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'domino'. wls:/domino/serverConfig> domainRuntime() Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root. For more help, use help(domainRuntime) wls:/domino/domainRuntime> cd("/ServerLifeCycleRuntimes/") wls:/domino/domainRuntime/ServerLifeCycleRuntimes> ls() dr-- AdminServer dr-- managed dr-- managed2 Tenemos el AdminServer arrancado, managed RUNNING pero con OutOfMemory (es decir que no responde) y el managed2 parado: cd('AdminServer') cmo.getState() 'RUNNING' cd('managed') cmo.getState() 'RUNNING' cd('managed2') cmo.getState() 'SHUTDOWN' El estado del servidor **managed** es equivoco, lo miramos en Runtime: domainRuntime() cd('/ServerRuntimes/') ls() dr-- AdminServer No aparece el managed y no podemos ver el estado, no está funcionando. Si podemos ver el estado del Admin. Entramos dentro del servidor y lo podemos mirar con dos comandos: cd('AdminServer') get('HealthState') cmo.getHealthState() Component:ServerRuntime,State:HEALTH_OK,MBean:AdminServer,ReasonCode:[] ====== Listar Clusters ====== wls:/prova_Domain/serverConfig> x=ls('/Clusters',returnMap='true') dr-- Cluster_01 dr-- Cluster_02 wls:/prova_Domain/serverConfig> x [Cluster_01, Cluster_02] wls:/prova_Domain/serverConfig> for i in x: ... print i ... Cluster_01 Cluster_02 ===== Lista separados con comas ===== x=ls('/Clusters',returnMap='true') i=0 lista='' while (i < len(x)-1): lista= x[i] + ',' + lista i=i+1 lista= lista + x[len(x)-1] print lista