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connect('weblogic','weblogic1','t3:localhost:7001') wls:/dev/serverConfig> configToScript('/weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/') <code> configToScript is loading configuration from /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/config.xml … Completed configuration load, now converting resources to wlst script… Creating the key file can reduce the security of your system if it is not kept in a secured location after it is created. Creating new key… Using existing user key file… Using existing user key file… Using existing user key file… Using existing user key file… Using existing user key file… Using existing user key file… configToScript completed successfully The WLST script is written to /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/ and the properties file associated with this script is written to /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/ WLST found encrypted passwords in the domain configuration. These passwords are stored encrypted in /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/c2sConfigdev and /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/c2sSecretdev. WLST will use these password values </code> /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/ /weblogic/domains/dev/user_projects/domains/dev/config/ configToScript() /weblogic/silent def create_Server_0(path, beanName): cd(path) try: print “creating mbean of type Server … ” theBean = cmo.lookupServer(beanName) if theBean == None: cmo.createServer(beanName) except java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException, usoe: pass except weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException,bae: pass except java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException,udt: pass create_Server_0(“/”, “AdminServerdev”)

informatica/weblogic/creacion_dominio.1375348479.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/13 20:19 (external edit)