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Iniciar repositorio en remoto

Given a project in our local file system:


1. Create the git repository:

git init /home/user/manhattan_project

2. Do the first commit

cd /home/user/manhattan_project
git add *
git commit -m "Initial commit"

3. Create the “bare” repository:

git clone --bare /home/user/manhattan_project /tmp/manhattan_project.git

4. Move the directory to its final location using SSH

scp -rv /tmp/manhattan_project.git

Servidor git acceso claves ssh

0. (Opcional) Instalo paquetes

sudo aptitude install git

1. Crear usuario git con el minimo de permisos posible

sudo vim /etc/shells

Y anyadir, si no existe, la siguiente linea:


Seguimos con la creacion del usuario “git”:

sudo adduser git
sudo chsh git



Y pulsar “enter”

sudo su git
mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

2. Genero claves en el cliente y las subo al servidor

ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp /home/user/.ssh/

3. Volcar las claves:

sudo su git
cat /tmp/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

==== Comandos sueltos ====

  * To bring your remote refs up to date:
git remote update
  • Will tell you whether the branch you are tracking is ahead, behind or has diverged. If it says nothing, the local and remote are the same.
git status -uno
  • Will show you the commits in all of the branches whose names end in master (eg master and origin/master).
git show-branch *master
  • Subir tags a remoto
git push --tags origin


  • Desplegar el contenido de un repositorio tras recibir un commit

1. Crear el hook 'post-receive' en el lado servidor:

sudo vim /srv/git/test.git/hooks/post-receive

Con el siguiente contenido:

git --work-tree=/srv/www/test --git-dir=/srv/git/test.git checkout -f
chmod +x /srv/git/test.git/hooks/post-receive

2. Fer un commit

Resultat: el directori “/srv/www/test” hauria de tenir el contingut del repositori “/srv/git/test.git” expandit

informatica/git.1422977285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/13 20:19 (external edit)