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ffmpeg -i '%*.jpg' -r 6000 video.mp4

avconv -y -r 10 -i '%*.jpg' -r 10 -vcodec libx264 -q:v 3 -vf crop=600:800,scale=iw:ih timelapse.mp4

Añadir hora:

Para un fichero del tipo: 20191116_1146.jpeg

</code> #!/bin/bash while read linea do hora=`echo $linea | awk -F_ {'print $2'}|awk -F\. {'print $1'}|cut -c-2` minuto=`echo $linea | awk -F_ {'print $2'}|awk -F\. {'print $1'}|cut -c3-` convert -pointsize 40 -fill yellow -draw 'text 600,400 “'$hora':'$minuto'” ' $linea data/$linea done < <(ls *jpeg) <code>

timelapse.1574075327.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/18 11:08 by jose