Programa para la creación de películas de animación usando la filosofía machinima. URL :
Extensiones Como usa Cal3d, véase
bones on each vertex. The mesh is splitted into submeshes to group faces with the same material thread.
factor are stored in this file. If the material contains texture maps, the (file-)names of the textures are stored here too.
Texturas Ficheros .dds (DirectDraw Surface?) Dado un fichero .dds (pej., existen los ficheros .template y .CRF que lo referencian.
Fichero .template : Coffeeshop window 01.template
<model>Architecture/Elements/Window/Coffeeshop_window</model> ... <material> <name>**Wallback[4]**</name> <maps> <entry> <string>specularMap</string> <string>Textures/</string> </entry> </maps> </material>
Fichero .CRF : Wallback[4].CRF